SGA Elections, the Bike Auction, and the George Street Organization Fair

Today was the last day for Prospective Candidates for the Fall 2009 Elections for SGA Senate.  Names were released earlier today of the candidates and are as follows:

Freshman Senate Candidates
Ailee Bailey
LaQunya Baker
Nick Berdux
Daniel Bonanno
Paul Bradley, Jr.
Natalie Byrom
Allie Calder
Katherine Fitzgerald
Casey Frails
Zykeedric Free
Ben Hockett
Levi Hutson
Alexa Ikeler
Erica Kramer
Corey Maran
Morgan Mikolajchuk
Mac McGee
Hannah Reynolds
Elle Rowan
Keyona Spurgeon
Catherin Stillwaggon
Brandon Sullivan
Ivey Summerlin
Patrice Turewell
Heather Woodward
Elliott Wright

Junior Senate Candidates
Ryan Schmidt
Senior Senate Candidates
Derek Banov
Austin Butler
Katie Moske

The Freshman are running for 10 senate seats and two alternate seats, the Junior is running for the only remaining regular senate seat, but there are two alternate seats still available, and the Seniors are running for the two remaining Senate seats and two alternate seats, which means one alternate seat will be remaining after the election.  As a member of the Election Commission, I have no opinion on any of the candidates and will give no further information about any of the candidates other than their names and the class in which they are running in for senate, which can be seen in this entry.

SGA Bike Auction

Tomorrow from 11 am-1 pm will be the SGA Bike Auction.  Each year in the fall, CofC SGA has the Bike Auction.  It will be taking place at Physicians Promenade this year (just outside Physicians Auditorium).  This year we will be accepting cash or check for the bikes which in the past have ranged from as low as $10 to as high as $100.

Organization Street Fair

On September 10th from 11 am-2pm, Student Organizations will line George Street with information for students.  Twice a year, the Student Government Association’s Student Organizational Review Board closes down George Street to allow Student Organizations that are recognized by Student Affairs to seek out new members.  This gives new students, transfer students, or even just students who haven’t been active in the past to come learn about opportunities to get involved on campus.

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