Meatballs, BK Lounge with Fender, and Other Thoughts

Okay, so yesterday I was kind of bored and sick of being home so I texted Fender.  I chilled at home and really didn’t do anything productive until I got a text back from Fender and called him.  Despite being semi asleep still, he agreed to hang out, because I was hungry, sick of being home, and bored.  I got into the Passat, picked up Fender, and we were on our way.  On the ride, I decided I wanted Burger King (aka the BK Lounge) and I told Fender we were going and he sort of was still asleep and cool with it.  Before going there, I went to go check out the old bowling alley that was in the plaza.  It is shut down and I was sad to see that the only thing there was a really sketchtastic 18 wheeler.  I drove back up to Burger King from there.  We got there at 10:24 and it closes at 10:30, so the lady let us in and let us order.  I ordered a Chicken Sandwich and an Orange Frozen thingy and the machine was messed up so I ended up getting an Orange Soda instead:

The Epic Orange Soda of Doom
The Epic Orange Soda of Doom

Instead of eating inside, we were sketchy and ate on the back of my car.  On more than one occasion I was freaked out by cars speeding past on in the parking lot that were apparently just people who really wanted Burger King this late at night.  I think their sign must lie, because they continued serving people until we left and possibly later at like 10:45.

Anyways, on the suggestion of a coworker, I watched the movie Meatballs with Bill Murray.  It didn’t hurt that I love Bill Murray, but that film brought back so many great memories from my days as a camper at Pingry Day Camp, Camp Riverbend, Camp Hilltop, and Camp Coleman over the years.  The stunts performed in the movie to their director make me wonder if they are what inspired salute your shorts.



You think they are similar at all?  I think they are?  Then again, I guess if I think about camp, all camps make me think about other camps.  I’ve spent every summer since I was three or four years old at some type of camp whether for only a month at day camp to the whole summer working as a counselor and honestly I don’t know what I will do the summer that I don’t continue that way.  When will that summer be?  Will I be sad then or will I not even notice?

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