Runoff Confusion

So things have gotten interesting over the last couple days.  One of my opponents was disqualified from the race which made her inelgible to be in the runoff.  She got the 2nd most votes, but because she was disqualified I wasn’t supposed to be up against her in the runoff.  Well it appears I may be wrong about that as well.  As with all SGA elections, the bylaws permit all candidates to contest the results:

“909.001 Any candidate may contest the election by submitting to the Election
Commission a written statement requesting an investigation and specifying alleged irregularities. The written statement must be submitted within two business days following the closure of polls of the election at the discretion of the Election Commission.”

I won’t know what is going on for the runoff until most likely sometime today.  Elections were originally scheduled for Thursday, but may occur on Friday instead.

I’m done with my dramatic outburst now.  Hope it was entertaining.


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