And We’re Off

12:01 yesterday came quicker than I ever could have imagined.  There is already a facebook group, this blog, and a separate website promoting “Ross for SGA Secretary”.  Over the next week, I will be chronicoling to you my experiences on the campaign trail.  Between my speaches to various on campus organiations to, to the candidate forum, to various other things.

I have posted very little actual paper campaign literature as of so far, because weather forcasts suggest there will be rain in the coming days.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about my campaign or the college as a whole, please never hesitate to contact me either by phone or email.  Both are listed on this blog, on my facebook, and on my campaign website.

Oh yeah, and last but not least, Remember to Vote Kressel for SGA Secretary March 18th and 19th!

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